Many women do not immediately begin to realize how much their body is changing and, accordingly, yoga practice for example https://www.julianalucky.com/post/9-ways-to-practice-mindfulness-with-kids during pregnancy. But in addition to physical changes (such as constant urge to urinate and lack of balance) under the influence of hormones, there is a change in the emotional state of a woman.
Yoga helps women to find peace in different periods of life, but in anticipation of childbirth and subsequent childcare, it becomes simply an indispensable tool that allows us to focus on the present moment, relieve pain, reminiscent of breathing. Thus, yoga practice has a number of benefits for expectant mothers:

1. Getting rid of morning sickness and back pain

Every pregnant woman will tell you that the worst thing in her current state is constant nausea and malaise, especially in the morning. When they begin to practice pranayama, they find that these symptoms almost disappear.

Another problem is back pain. Asana practice helps here. Many women note that as soon as they start doing yoga for pregnant women, they almost immediately feel an improvement in posture and a decrease in lumbar pain.

2. Preparing for childbirth with deep, calm breathing

Pranayama is one of the main components of yoga. The ability to breathe slowly and calmly has a beneficial effect on the life of every person, especially women in position. Ujjaya Breathing and Full Yogic Breathing (Abdomen – Chest – Clavicle) teach us to breathe deeply into the lower abdomen, which helps the abdominal muscles and diaphragm to allow more oxygen into the body.

Correct breathing not only allows you to more consciously perform asanas (especially when the stomach gets in the way), but also reminds of calmness in all other aspects of life. Pregnancy is a new, frightening state for a woman, so using these techniques helps to stay calm with frequent doctor visits, endless kicks of a baby in the womb, and simply when an agitated state caused by the activity of a restless mind.

Learning how to breathe is an important part of many childbirth courses. Research shows that during childbirth, deep, calm breathing helps pregnant women to be distracted and less anxious.

3. Flexibility and strength (as well as keeping your body in shape)

Many modern gynecologists do not approve of physical activity for pregnant women, but they even recommend doing yoga, saying that yoga makes childbirth easier.

Regular exercise stretches and strengthens the essential muscles that will be used during childbirth, and also helps the woman stay in shape. In addition, yoga is the best way to quickly restore your body after the birth of a baby.

4. Opportunity to meet other expectant mothers

There is one big difference between a regular yoga class and a perinatal yoga class – you are all in the same boat. These prenatal classes provide a protected environment based on mutual understanding and support, which is very important for expectant mothers. So yoga provides a meeting place with like-minded people, which plays a special role for women who face certain difficulties during pregnancy.

5. Establishing communication with the child

One of the most important moments that yoga gives is time alone with yourself, the opportunity to calm down, reflect and concentrate on yourself and on the growing man inside you. At these moments, you can feel the slightest movements of his body, inhale and exhale and send your warm wishes for health and happiness to this new creature.