How can I say not too much: 10 moves.

A simple worldly way to exhale and count to 10 helps to stop the original desire, but later the untold can lie heavy weight and strongly spoil the cheerful mood. We counted to 10 and found 10 ways to help you not just keep quiet, but learn to be more restrained without harming yourself or […]

How to succeed in your career

Many of us dream of a dizzying career. The imagination draws a separate office overlooking the cloudless sky, a company car, perhaps without blinking, but with a personal driver, a warning secretary and “thirty-five thousand one couriers. Beauty! But only how to achieve all this? What qualities will allow to achieve success and get ahead […]

How to get a pay rise

Of course, there is a radical way to increase wages – to change jobs. But if you are satisfied with the position, the team, and everything is fine except for the proper remuneration for their work, then why take such decisive steps? Perhaps you should try to get a pay increase at your place of […]

How to learn to convince: psychological techniques

Ilya Kusakin, the author of the manual “Main skill of a sales manager”, believes that there are no situations where the art of negotiation cannot be applied, because we always deal with people. “Your success, family well-being and happiness depend on the ability to sell ideas or convince people”. To become a specialist in this […]