Singapore math program

Singapore math program

In addition to traditional tests, there are other Singapore math program types of assessment that encourage students to actively participate in their studies. They help children determine what they have learned and what they have not learned, and what steps to take to do so. So, how do you get children to assess their own progress?

Assessments in English lessons often take the form of unit tests and progress tests. These types of assessments provide us teachers with useful information about students’ progress, but they do not involve children’s participation or show them how to continue learning English.

What types of assessments should we use?
Pupils consider repetition and tests to be the most unpleasant part of learning, even if they liked the topic in general. Remembering all the information from the section under pressure is painful and hard, repetition is boring, and the test tasks they do not do at all as well as when studying the material itself. In this case it is better to think about whether to change the way of assessment to another one: assessment for learning or self-assessment.

Singapore math program

Assessments for learning. It is important that students understand from the go math grade 7 teacher edition very beginning what the objectives are and what the final result should look like. This is what assessment for learning. We have to describe to them what will happen in class and what we expect from them. Once this is done, we take a few simple steps:

Involve. We tell them what we will do. Here it is important to motivate students to keep this spirit throughout the lesson. We observe how the tasks are perceived: do the students understand what is going on, do everyone participate?
Monitor. While the pupils are doing the tasks, we walk around the class and listen to the answers. We determine how well they do in comparison with the goals set for them. We politely correct, if necessary, and find out the gaps in achieving the goal of the lesson.
Assist. Our task is to fill the identified gaps. We need to find a convenient way for different learning styles. If we have presented a new language through reading, now we can try to talk; if we sang a song, we can ask them to write something, etc.
Challenge. We use knowledge for one cognitive step forward. How exactly? Pupils express their thoughts on the topic, and then the teacher asks “why? / “why not?”. Do not demand more than possible.
Self-esteem gives students the opportunity to stop for a moment and think, “What do I get out of it?” or “Did I really learn something in this class? Research shows that as a result of self-esteem, students develop self-perception, fluency, vocabulary, and confidence in using English over time. Self-esteem should be individual and private, so that students do not influence their classmates.