How to beat baby snoring

So, if your child sniffles and snores in his sleep, you will have to visit a pediatrician and read But first:

✓ Watch your baby during sleep and try to count the number of nights when you hear him snore. If he snores for 3 nights or more during the week, this is an occasion to continue his research.

✓ Pay attention: does the child snore on inhalation or on exhalation too? Is there a whistle, is the length of exhalation increased? In the presence of such symptoms, visit an otolaryngologist as soon as possible, since everything points to a mechanical obstruction of the nasopharynx.

✓ Try to monitor if there is a breath hold, how long it lasts, how often it occurs during the night.

During the examination, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to determine the factors of snoring and the harm to health that he has already managed to bring. Most likely, you will need a comprehensive study, in which you will consult with various specialists (allergist, otolaryngologist, neurologist), do ultrasound and / or monitor night sleep.

Treatment Methods
If a child snores after read through his nose and at the same time there is an increase in lymphoid tissue in the zone of the tonsils and adenoids of 3-4 degrees, he is shown adenotonsillotomy. This is an operation during which the tonsils and adenoids that block the airways are cut.

Positive pressure devices are used to treat sleep apnea. Their job is to prevent blockages in the airways by controlling the flow of air into the baby’s lungs.

It is imperative to establish sleep hygiene, that is, to organize:

clean, fresh and cool air in the room where the child sleeps (humidity 50-60%);
a clear schedule for falling asleep, sufficient sleep duration (by age);
quiet, comfortable place to sleep.

The specific treatment for snoring after read depends on the cause. If it is an allergy, then it is necessary to take antihistamines, eliminate the allergen and, possibly, ASIT therapy. If overweight – individually selected diet. If infectious diseases of the nasopharynx – washing, taking antibiotics, hardware treatment (quartz tube, etc.).